This is pretty much just a bunch of random pictures I've drawn over the years, most are characters from my writing... As you might notice, there's a theme going on here: I need to work on drawing different poses. And maybe things that aren't wolf shaped.
I think I should clarify: Look is this character's name. Yes, it's not that great but I came up with this character when I was 12 and no good replacement ever came up. He's technically a werewolf but, through the magic of tween writer logic, wound up getting stuck in wolf form from getting bit by another werewolf. He was a fairly 2D character though, as his most defining feature was being afraind of werewolves (and thus himself)
Another werewolf! Amnesty is a bit of an updated version of Look in some ways, in some ways not. Unlike Look, she does actually experience a transformation, has more of a story arc, and has a larger roll than just the POV. She still has a fear of werewolves, though.
Hmm... this is a hard one to explain. Like Look, Fogonianoge (foe-gone-ian-ogg), is one of my older characters. I don't think I can explain him in a short summery (I'll likely give a better explenation for these characters elsewhere) but the main idea is that he's immortal and tends to use his time despensing his dark fairy-tale version of justice. He's not an antagonist of the story, but he's (usually) not a protagonist either. I originally imagined him as humanish but he's warped over the years in both my head and in the story itself. There's still hints of human, but he is also very reminicant of the Skesis from the dark crystal if they were more healthy/draconic. Four extra limbs sprout from his back, usually tendril like but able to be shapped as he wishes.