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Writing Stuff!

Gonna be honest, I'm not sure what to put here yet. For now some (joke) laws of writing will do.

The Laws of Fantasy Worldbuilding (According to Me)

  1. Dwarves and Elves hate each other, just because
  2. Tolkein did it first
  3. "I'm doing this because of Brandon Sanderson"
  4. For some reason, all the nations and cultures are from Earth
  5. Werewolves and Vampires hate each other, just because
  6. DRAGONS! (Or fairies)
  7. You gave up with the last three countries
  8. Humans are boring
  9. Humans are OP
  10. Elves and Dwarves hate each other, just because

Werewolves in Fantasy

  1. (In reference to Goodwin's Law) As a fantasy series grows longer, the probability of a plotline involving werewolves or werewolf like creatures approaches one
  2. Once this point is reached, the narrative will conspire to avoid werewolf main characters if possible
  3. If avoidance isn't possible, then werewolves will eventually have full control of their wolf self if they don't have it already

Okay, so I said these were going to be joke laws, but this is actually something that I find mildly anoying. Alone, I'm not bothered by any of these "laws." However, when combind, they often produce character arks that feel abruptly cut off and often too short. A lot of this probably has to do with #1, and I wouldn't be surprised if you can find parallels with other popular fantasy creatures. Overall, I guess I feel werewolves aren't given justice most of the time.

Silver Crown

So I finally wrote something that I think fits here (ie, not too long or context dependent). Unfortunately, I'm a few weeks behind on putting it here, but it's a small poem I wrote in response to watching the 2024 Solar Eclipse.