Writing Stuff!
Gonna be honest, I'm not sure what to put here yet. For now some (joke) laws of writing will do.
The Laws of Fantasy Worldbuilding (According to Me)
- Dwarves and Elves hate each other, just because
- Tolkein did it first
- "I'm doing this because of Brandon Sanderson"
- For some reason, all the nations and cultures are from Earth
- Werewolves and Vampires hate each other, just because
- DRAGONS! (Or fairies)
- You gave up with the last three countries
- Humans are boring
- Humans are OP
- Elves and Dwarves hate each other, just because
Werewolves in Fantasy
- (In reference to Goodwin's Law) As a fantasy series grows longer, the probability of a plotline involving werewolves or werewolf like creatures approaches one
- Once this point is reached, the narrative will conspire to avoid werewolf main characters if possible
- If avoidance isn't possible, then werewolves will eventually have full control of their wolf self if they don't have it already
Okay, so I said these were going to be joke laws, but this is actually something that I find mildly anoying. Alone, I'm not bothered by any of these "laws." However, when combind, they often produce character arks that feel abruptly cut off and often too short. A lot of this probably has to do with #1, and I wouldn't be surprised if you can find parallels with other popular fantasy creatures. Overall, I guess I feel werewolves aren't given justice most of the time.
Silver Crown
So I finally wrote something that I think fits here (ie, not too long or context dependent). Unfortunately, I'm a few weeks behind on putting it here, but it's a small poem I wrote in response to watching the 2024 Solar Eclipse.
- Truly there are experiences for which a camera cannot capture,
- For I howled at the moon as it ate the sun.
- And while there is nothing special in calling out to those who would hear you
- And nothing special to gazing at a sky as night falls,
- For once I was able to stare at the face of the one who brings us life,
- And see their crown of molten silver that stretched outwards as they screamed to the heavens.
- Not a single thing beyond that was special in any way,
- Yet I could feel how we are connected to the dance of the universe.
- And in that moment I knew that I was connected to every human before me.
- For however much we have changed over time,
- That short moment is unique to our world,
- And has pulled our curiosity and fear onwards forever.